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VB Add-In to Close All Code Windows
Tested with VB6
By Richard Mageau

Have you ever wished you could easily close all open windows in a VB project at once rather than one at a time? All it takes is a fairly simple add-in, and you're there. This particular "tip" isn't so much a tip as a freeware XTreme Computing product, however the code is included here for those who wish to see how it's done.

Place the following in your vbaddin.ini file:

Register the XTUtils.dll file (or compile the source code).

Add it by going into the add in manager and setting it as loaded. You will get a new menu item. When you click on it, you will close all form design and code panes.

As always, use of this code and the DLL compiled from it is at your own risk, presented as is.

To download both the DLL and source code, click here.

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