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Example of Determining Change Denominations in Visual Basic Code
Tested with VB6
Courtesy of Tim Thomas

This example calculates what the breakdown of change would be for a specified amount in dollars and cents. For example, 25.78 would be 25 dollars, 3 quarters and 3 pennies. It assumes you are entering a currency amount with two decimal places, and that all standard coin denominations are available. Variations are left as an exercise for the reader.

1 - Start a new, standard VB project.

2 - Add a command button to the form.

3 - Add a textbox to the form and name it txtmon.

4 - Place the following code in the General Declarations section of the form code:

Dim intcoin As Currency
Dim intquarter As Integer
Dim intdime As Integer
Dim intnickel As Integer
Dim intpenny As Integer

Public Sub subGetQuarter()
 If intcoin > 75 Then
    intquarter = 3
    intcoin = intcoin - 75
 ElseIf intcoin > 50 Then
    intquarter = 2
    intcoin = intcoin - 50
 ElseIf intcoin > 25 Then
    intquarter = 1
    intcoin = intcoin - 25
       intquarter = 0
 End If

End Sub

Public Sub subGetDimes()
 If intcoin > 20 Then
    intdime = 2
    intcoin = intcoin - 20
 ElseIf intcoin > 10 Then
    intdime = 1
    intcoin = intcoin - 10
    intdime = 0
 End If
End Sub

Public Sub subGetNickels()
 If intcoin > 5 Then
    intnickel = 1
    intcoin = intcoin - 5
 End If

Public Sub subGetPennies()
 If intcoin = 4 Then
    intpenny = 4
    intcoin = intcoin - 4
 ElseIf intcoin = 3 Then
    intpenny = 3
    intcoin = intcoin - 3
 ElseIf intcoin = 2 Then
    intpenny = 2
    intcoin = intcoin - 2
 ElseIf intcoin = 1 Then
    intpenny = 1
    intcoin = intcoin - 1
 End If
End Sub

Public Sub subInvalidNum()
'This sub puts out msgbox that number is not a valid one
' with 2 decimal points

MsgBox "Not a valid number with decimal points, please reenter."
txtmon = ""

End Sub

5 - Place the following code in the command button's click event:

Dim intmoney As Currency
Dim strmoney As String
Dim myresult As Currency
Dim intlen As Integer
'length of string
Dim intdollars As Currency
Dim strIsDecimal As String

On Error GoTo errTrap:

' I am doing it so it must have a decimal point
' and 2 places or it fails.

' grab amount
 strmoney = Trim(txtmon.Text)

' grab length of string
 intlen = Len(strmoney)
 intmoney = CCur(txtmon.Text)

 If intlen < 3 Then
 'if length of number less then 3 then not valid,
 'because need at least 3 points with decimal

    Exit Sub
 End If
' making sure the appropriate spot is a decimal

 strIsDecimal = Mid(strmoney, intlen - 2, 1)

' if this spot is not a decimal, we prompt user to start again
 If strIsDecimal <> "." Then
    Exit Sub
 End If

' Now we get Dollar amount
 If intlen > 2 And Left(strmoney, intlen - 2) = "." Then
    intdollars = 0
    intdollars = Left(strmoney, intlen - 2)
 End If

' Now for quarters
' get starting coin amount

 intcoin = CInt(Right(strmoney, 2))


' dimes






' lets give the answer..
MsgBox "Dollars = " & intdollars & vbCrLf & "Quarters = " & intquarter & vbCrLf & "Dimes = " & intdime & vbCrLf & "Nickels = " & intnickel & vbCrLf & "Pennies = " & intpenny

Exit Sub
 If err.Number = 13 Then
    MsgBox "Please enter valid number"
    txtmoney = ""
    Exit Sub
        MsgBox err.Number & err.Description
 End If

5 – Run the program, enter a number in the textbox and test. Note that the code could also be placed in a routine callable from anywhere it might be needed in a program.

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